Published: by Absolutely Recipes, in the Beverages recipes category.

Apple Orange Smoothie Recipe.


2 Apples large or (1 apple and 1 pear) / sweet tasting
2 to 3 oranges or 1 cup orange juice with pulp
1/2 inch ginger peeled (optional)
1/4 tsp black pepper crushed (optional)
nuts (optional)
10 to 12 almonds or cashews, soaked

Recipe Instructions:

Wash apples under running water.
Spray vinegar and leave them aside for 2 to 3 mins.
Rub them well with sea salt and wash under running water.
Peel the skin if apples are not organic.
Keep the skin on for organic apples.
Wash and peal the oranges.
Remove the pith of the oranges and halve the oranges, lengthwise.
Then make a deep cut in the halved oranges in the center, so you cut all of the orange segments.
Remove the seeds.
Method 1 - apple orange smoothie in blender
optional - if using nuts, add them to the blender jar with 1/2 to 3/4 cup water or any liquid.
Blend until smooth.
Add the oranges and the chopped apples.
Add the optional ingredients.
Blend until smooth.
If it is too thick for your liking simply pour more liquid like water or juice & blend.
Method 2 - in a blender
method 2 - juice the oranges in a orange juicer or a blender.
Strain the juice and then add the rest of the ingredients to the blender.
We need one cup of orange juice.
Blend well to make a smoothie.
Adjust the consistency by adding more orange juice or water.
If making apple orange smoothie in a cold press or slow juicer
fix your smoothie attachments to the juicer, run your machine and add all the ingredients one after the other into the juicer chute.
Add more oranges if you like a thin smoothie.
Serve apple orange smoothie immediately.

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