Published: by Absolutely Recipes, in the Indian recipes category.

Drumstick Curry Recipe.


2 To 3 drumsticks , cut to finger length
2 onions , finely chopped
2 tomatoes , finely chopped
1 green chili
1 sprig curry leaves
1 pinch mustard
1/2 tsp cumin
2 garlic cloves crushed, (optional, gives a different flavor)
1 tsp red chili powder
1/4 tsp turmeric
3/4 tsp salt to taste
1 tsp coriander powder (optional)
2 to 3 tbsps oil
1 cup water (adjust as needed)

Recipe Instructions:

Lightly scrape off the drumsticks to remove a thin layer of skin.
Skip this if using homegrown drumsticks.
Rinse them under running water.
Cut to finger length pieces.
Also chop onions, tomatoes and green chilli.
Pour oil to a deep pan and heat it.
Add mustard & cumin.
When they splutter, add curry leaves and green chili.
Fry until the leaves turn crisp.
Add onions, sprinkle salt and fry till transparent.
Next add drumsticks.
Fry for 2 to 3 mins to remove the raw smell.
Add chopped tomatoes, some salt and turmeric.
Fry till the tomatoes turn soft and pulpy.
Do not cover and cook but fry in an open pan, since fried tomato gravy tastes better.
Add coriander powder and red chili powder.
Fry for 2 to 3 mins until the raw smell of chilli powder vanishes.
Pour water just enough to cover the drumsticks.
Cover and cook on a medium flame till they are tender.
Cooking the drumsticks on the lowest flame yields a tasty curry.
If there is lot of water left towards the end then evaporate by cooking on a slightly higher flame.
Turn off the stove when the drumstick curry turns slightly thick.
Add more salt if needed.

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