Published: by Absolutely Recipes, in the Meat recipes category.

Pork Pie Recipe.


Hot Water Crust Pastry
2 3/4 Cups All Purpose Flour (Sieved)
4 3/4 Oz Cold Water
3 3/4 Oz Lard
1 TSP Salt
1 Egg (Beaten)
Pork Pie Filling
2 1/4 Cups Pork Shoulder (Diced)
1 TSP Dried Sage
1 TSP Salt
1 TSP Ground Black Pepper
Pork Pie Jelly
1 Pig Trotter
4 Cups Water
1 Onion (Halved)
1 TSP Salt
1 TSP Ground White Pepper

Recipe Instructions:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Sieve the flour into a large, ovenproof mixing bowl and place it in the oven to warm.
Place the water and lard into a medium saucepan.
Gently bring to a boil over medium-low heat and when the lard has melted, pour into the flour and salt mixture.
Stir with a wooden spoon until well combined.
Working quickly, knead the dough when it is cool enough to handle.
Turn out on to a lightly floured work surface and cut off 1/3 of the dough.
Replace this into the mixing bowl with a tea towel over the top to keep the heat in.
This off-cut will be 'lid' to your pie or pies.
With the remaining 2/3 you are going to make the casing of your pie.
Roll the dough out until it is large enough to fit around the inside of a pie dish and place the dough gently into the dish, making sure to push it all the way into the corners of the dish, set aside in the refrigerator.
Place the cleaned pigs trotter into a slow cooker along with the water, onion, salt and white pepper.
Cook on high for 4 hours, or on low overnight.
Once cooked, drain well.
Mix together the pork, sage, salt & pepper.
Carefully fill each pie with 1/3 of the mixture, pressing down as necessary and leaving the meat in a dome shape in the middle.
Roll out the pastry you kept aside for the lid, making sure that it is slightly bigger than your pie dish.
Brush the edge of th epastry in the pie dish with beaten egg, and place the lids on.
Now seal the edges of the lids and body pastry together.
You can simply press the pastry together firmly, or crimp it.
Using the tip of a sharp knife, pierce a hole in the pastry and twist the knife to make the hole round & a little larger.
This is where you will pour in your stock once baked, so the hole needs to be big enough to fit your funnel tip.
Brush the pies generously all over with egg wash.
Bake the pies in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.
Then reduce the oven to 300 degrees, and continue cooking for a further 50 minutes.
Halfway through the cooking time, take out of the oven and brush again all over with egg wash.
Return to the oven to finish cooking.
Set the cooked pies to cool on the kitchen counter.
When at room temperature, move to the fridge to let cool completely.
Take your cold pies and gently insert the tip of a funnel into the hole in the lid.
Pour your stock into the hole slowly.
When the pies are full of stock, return them to the fridge to fully cool again overnight.
Remove from fridge and enjoy sliced!

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