Published: by Absolutely Recipes, in the Meat recipes category.

Beef Short Rib Birria Recipe.


4 LBs Beef Short Ribs
1 Yellow Onion (Finely Chopped)
1 Leek (Roughly Chopped)
7 Cloves Garlic (Finely Chopped)
1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
1/4 Cup Ketchup
2/3 Cup Brown Sugar
1 TBSP Cayenne Pepper
3 Star Anise
4 Chipotle Chiles (Dried)
5 Porcini Mushrooms (Dried)
2 Cups Dark Beer
1 1/2 TBSP Salt
2 TBSP Olive Oil

Recipe Instructions:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Cover the short ribs in salt and set aside.
Heat 1 TBSP of oil in a skillet over a medium heat and when hot, add the short ribs.
Sear the ribs on all sides to get a dark brown caramelization.
Heat another TBSP of oil in an ovenproof casserole dish.
Once hot, add the onions and leeks and cook down for 5-7 minutes.
Add the garlic, cook for 3?4 minutes then add the soy sauce, ketchup, brown sugar, cayenne pepper, star anise, chipotles, mushrooms and beer, stir to combine.
Cook uncovered for 30 minutes over a low heat, then add the short ribs to the pot.
If there seems to be too little liquid to cover the ribs, and add a little extra water.
Place the lid on the casserole dish and cook the short ribs for 3?4 hours until the meat is fork tender and falls off the bone.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
Once cold, transfer the ribs to a tray and place the casserole back over a medium heat to reduce the sauce for another 20-30 minutes to make the glaze, once ready it should thickly coat the back of a spoon.
Once glaze is ready, return the ribs back to the pan and coat with the glaze, serve immediately.

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