Published: by Absolutely Recipes, in the Salad recipes category.

Beetroot Salad Recipe.


1 Cup beetroot grated
1/2 cup moong dal (split skinned moong lentils)
1/4 to 1/2 cup coconut ,fresh grated
1 to 2 green chilies chopped finely or 1/4 tsp coarse crushed black pepper
1 to 2 tbsps lemon juice (adjust to taste)
1/4 tsp salt (adjust to taste)
2 tbsps coriander leaves (finely chopped)
optional (for variation)
1 small carrot ,grated
1/2 cup radish , grated
1/4 cup cucumber , grated
2 tbsps onions , chopped

Recipe Instructions:

Wash moong dal thoroughly 3 to 4 times and soak for at least 1 hour in enough water.
Moong dal has to be soaked well without any hard center.
Check by eating a few lentils.
If they are hard then soak them for a little longer.
Wash thoroughly and drain off the water completely to a colander.
Spread it in the colander so most of the moisture dries up.
Rinse beetroot under running water and pat dry with a kitchen tissue/ paper.
Peel it and cut to quarters.
Grate it using a grater or a food processor with medium large holes.
If you fine grate, beets will release lots of moisture.
(Check my picture)
add it to a mixing bowl along with lentils.
Ensure there is no excess moisture in the lentils.
Add salt, coconut, lemon juice and coriander leaves.
Toss well and serve right away without resting.
If the salad sits on the counter, it will release juices.
So add salt and lemon juice only when you are ready to serve.
Serve beetroot salad as a side in a meal.

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