Published: by Absolutely Recipes, in the recipes category.

Cheese Dosa Recipe.


1 Cup dosa batter thick
1 onion medium , chopped or grated carrots & capsicum
3 tbsp red chutney or tomato sauce or chilli sauce or any chutney
2 green chilies deseeded chopped (optional)
3 tsps oil
6 tbsps cheese grated (use as needed more or less)
coriander or parley leaves or dried herbs like oregano, few

Recipe Instructions:

chop the onions, green chilies, coriander leaves and set aside.
Grate the cheese as desired.
Bring the dosa batter to right consistency.
It has to be slightly thick but of spreading consistency.
Grase you tawa with few drops of oil.
Making cheese dosa
heat the pan on a medium high flame.
When the pan is hot, pour a ladle full of batter and spread it evenly to a dosa in a circular pattern.
Add the onions and chutney or sauce.
Smear it well all over the dosa.
Press them down to the dosa with a wooden spoon.
Add oil around the edges.
Cover and cook on a medium heat for 1 to 2 minutes.
Sprinkle chilies and coriander leaves.
Increase the flame to slightly high and cook until the dosa turns crisp.
The sides usually leave the pan at this stage.
Add the grated cheese.
Allow to melt.
Fold to a triangle.
Invert it and sprinkle cheese and coriander leaves over the hot cheese dosa.
Serve cheese dosa hot with a cup of black tea or coffee.
You can also serve with chutney.

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